Application in our daily life use : English के पेपर में ऐसे लिखें एप्लीकेशन/लैटर

Application in our daily life use : English के पेपर में ऐसे लिखें एप्लीकेशन/लैटर | English Application kaise likhe | Character Certificate | School Leaving Certificate | Transfer Certificate ki Application

दोस्तों सभी तरफ स्टूडेंट्स जमकर बोर्ड परीक्षा की तैयारी में जुटे हैं और कुछ तो जुटने वाले हैं l बोर्ड परीक्षा के हिंदी और इंग्लिश विषय में अच्छे नंबर लाना काफी आसान होता है क्योंकि इसमें 2 कॉमन सवाल हमेशा पूछे जाते हैं l एक एप्लीकेशन/लैटर और दूसरा है निबंध लिखना l यदि आप बोर्ड परीक्षार्थी हैं तो ज़रूर आप ये जानते होंगे l यदि आप एक सही फॉर्मेट में एप्लीकेशन लिखने का तरीका जानना चाहते हैं तो इस पोस्ट को आखिर तक पढ़ें l

Application in our daily life use

आज के इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको बताएँगे कि Application in our daily life use : English के पेपर में ऐसे लिखें एप्लीकेशन/लैटर | English Application kaise likhe | Character Certificate | School Leaving Certificate | Transfer Certificate ki Application कैसे लिखें ,,, दोस्तों प्रश्नो के उत्तर तो हर कोई याद कर लेता है लेकिन उसे सही फॉर्मेट में लिखना और सजाना सबसे नहीं आता, यही वजह होती है कि कभी कभार कम पढने लिखने वाला भी अच्छे मार्क्स प्राप्त कर लेता है तो अगर आप एक सही फॉर्मेट में एप्लीकेशनलैटर लिखते हैं तो आपको भी ज़रूर पूरे नंबर दिए जाएँगे l

Application in our daily life use : English के पेपर में ऐसे लिखें एप्लीकेशन/लैटर
Application in our daily life use

English के पेपर में ऐसे लिखें एप्लीकेशन/लैटर

दोस्तों आपको हमने टोटल 7 एप्लीकेशन एक सही फॉर्मेट में प्रोवाइड किया है कृपया इसे अपनी नोटबुक में अच्छे से लिख लें और इसकी ही प्रैक्टिस करें l आपको बहुत अच्छे नंबर मिलेंगे l


The principal

Kaish H.S. School 

Indore (M.P.)

Subject : Issue of school leaving certificate


Most humble i beg to state that my father has been transferred from Dhar to Bhopal. Hence i cannot continue my study in your school.

So, i request you kindly to issue me school leaving certificate.

Thanking you

Yours obediently


Class X (B’)


The Secretory

Board of Secondary Education

Bhopal (M.P.)

Subject : Application for duplicate copy of marksheet


With due regards i have to state that i have lost my hight school marksheet. I need the duplicate copy of marksheet. The details are as follows : 

Year        – 2021-22

Roll No   – 204565455 

Result     – Passed in first devision

As per rules i am enclosing IPOs worth 50/- kindly send me the duplicate marksheet to the following address :


S/O Vijendra Singh

302, Yadav colony, Indore (M.P.)

Thanking you

Date : 20/05/2022

302, Yadav colony

Indore (M.P.)

10 – June – 2022

The Post Master

Head Post Office

Indore (M.P.)

Subject : Complaint against the Postman of our area.


I beg to state that i am a resident of yadav colony, Indore. I would like to draw your attention to the postman Mr. Rakesh Singh. He is very irregulat and careless of his duties. He comes once or twise in a week. He does not bring letter on time. 

So i request you to look in this matter and take necessary actions.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully

Rahul kumar

302, yadav colony

Ranjhi (Madhya Pradesh)

5 dec – 2022

The Collector/The supderintendent of Police/S.D.M.

District Ranjhi

Ranjhi, Roheen Nagar

Subject : Regarding restriction on the use of loudspeakers.

Sir, I beg to state that our examinations are drawing near. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that people play on loudspeakers on every occasion, for a long period and till late hours in the night. This creates a lot of disturbance in our studies. Hence i request you to impose a restriction on the use of loudspeakers till our examincation are over. 

Thanking you

Yours faithfully


302, Narmada nagar

Bhopal (M.P.)

4 july – 2022

The District Collector


Subject : Malfunctioning of the government Hospital Bhopal.


I would like to draw your attention to the lack of facilities & mal- functioning of the Govt. Hospital & request you to take necessary action so that people may get proper medical facilities.

It lacks both doctors & nurses. The rooms are not cleaned properly. No facility of Sonography or X-ray is provided to the patients. Necessary medicines are not available. The patients & attendents have to run here & there for tea, food etc. I shall be greatly obliged if you could look into the matter. Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully



The Principal

Govt. H.S. school

Indore (M.P.)

Subject : Application for School Leaving Certificate


I wish to state that i am a student of class XII at after my annual matriculation examination this year.

So i request you kindly to issue me School Leaving Certificate to the effect that i am a regular student of the school.

Thanking you

Yours obediently

Rahul Kumar

Date : 30 Aug 2022


The Principal

Govt. H.S. school

Indore (M.P.)

Subject : Application for Character Certificate


I wish to state that i am a student of class XII at after my annual matriculation examination this year.

So i request you kindly to issue me Character Certificate to the effect that i am a regular student of the school.

Thanking you

Yours obediently

Rajesh Kumar

Date : 30 Aug 2022

MP Board, UP Board, CG Board, Bihar Boar, Rajasthan Board etc & MP College, Marksheet Correction etc से संबंधित सभी जानकारियों के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे और अपनी जानकारी में वृद्धि करते रहें l हमसे जुड़ने के लिए आप निम्न लिंक पर क्लिक करें l

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